Lecture 4.1 - Widgets & Traitlets for Interactivity
The basics of using Traitlets and data binding in visualization.
This week we will learn about ipywidgets and traitlets and apply them to visualizations in Python.
Lecture 4.1 - Widgets & Traitlets for Interactivity
The basics of using Traitlets and data binding in visualization.
Lecture 4.2 - Annoucements (for Week 6)
A few quick annoucments.
In Class notebook - (download)
in Class notebook, week 04
Prep Notebook, Week 4 - (download)
Prep notebook for this week
Extra prep notebook - (download)
Extra prep notebook for Week 4
Past Notebook: spring2019_notes_week04_part1.ipynb - (download)
Past Notebook: spring2019_notes_week04_part2.ipynb - (download)
Illinois buildings dataset
The UFO Sitings Dataset (13Mb)
Data about world wide reports of UFO sitings
Measurments taken from around Lake Michigan (https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/mgg/greatlakes/michigan.html)