IS445 - Data Viz - BCU/BCG

This is the course website for Data Visualization, instructed by Jill Naiman (

Below, you will find the materials for each week, as well as the syllabus that includes contact information and a course outline.

Lectures and Materials

Lecture 1.1 - Class Introduction

The syllabus for the course, along with discussions about "what" visualizations are, and how to orient yourself in the course.

Lecture 1.2 - Why we Visualize

What are some of the basics of how we interpret visualizations? How can we describe the process of making choices, understanding our audience, and so forth?

Week 2

Data Storage and Operations

overview concepts brain

Lecture 2.1 - Data storage & Operations, Image data

When we draw something on a screen, how do we represent that internally, and how is that translated into pixels? How are values transformed from 0's and 1's into values we can manipulate and understand?