Exploring More Interactivity

Time to start talking about interactivity!

During class today, we will explore creating interactive visualizations using bqplot. For next week, we will discuss the taxonomy of interactive visualizations and how we can use that understanding to better guide our construction.

References and Reading List

  1. Narrative Visualization by Segel and Heer
  2. Watch This: A Taxonomy for Dynamic Data Visualization by Cottam et al
  3. FiveThirtyEight Datasets
  4. Video about bqplot
  5. An introduction to Grammar of Graphics
  6. ipywidgets docs
  7. traitlets docs
  8. bqplot docs



Beginning Interactivity

The foundations of interactivity, and how we can think about it and how we use it. We introduce a little bit of javascript, how to publish websites on GitHub, and we start learning vega-lite.

