IS445 - Data Viz - ACG-ACU

This is the course website for Data Visualization, instructed by Matthew Turk (

Below, you will find the materials for each week, as well as the syllabus that includes contact information and a course outline.

Lectures and Materials

Week 1


overview concepts

Class Introduction

The syllabus for the course, along with discussions about "what" visualizations are, why we make them, and how to orient yourself in the course.

Week 2

Data Storage and Manipulation

operations distributions scaling dataformats drawing

Data Storage, Manipulation, and Drawing

How are values transformed from 0's and 1's into values we can manipulate and understand? When we draw something on a screen, how do we represent that internally, and how is that translated into pixels? What operations can we do on data?

Week 3

Transformations and Colors

scaling colors colormaps transformations

Scaling, Colors, and Colormaps

How are values transformed from 0's and 1's into values we can manipulate and understand? When we draw something on a screen, how do we represent that internally, and how is that translated into pixels? What operations can we do on data? How do colors work? What are the different ways we can map colors to values? What should we keep in mind when doing this?

Week 4

Basics of Interaction and Engines of Visualization

bqplot interactivity ipywidgets jupyter traitlets

Week 5

Exploring More Interactivity

interactivity concepts vega-lite web javascript github-pages

Beginning Interactivity

The foundations of interactivity, and how we can think about it and how we use it. We introduce a little bit of javascript, how to publish websites on GitHub, and we start learning vega-lite.

Week 6

Viz engines, vega-lite and the web

platforms vega-lite web javascript

Viz Platforms and more Vega-lite

We start with a mechanism for comparing visualization engines. Then, we go over more details of using vega-lite and how to embed vega-lite visualizations in a web page.

Week 7

Time Series and Maps

geo bqplot cartopy maps

Week 8

More Maps

matplotlib python maps bqplot pandas dashboards

Maps and Map Projections

Today we'll talk about map projections, how to properly wrap a baseball, and continue with our dashboarding.

Week 9

Intermediate Vega Lite

vega-lite maps brushing-linking

Intermediate Vega Lite

We examine how to apply filters, transforms and parameters toward building a map with time series data.

Week 10

Finishing our lab, and types of charts

vega-lite choosing-charts

Choosing Charts

We go over some types of visualization and finish our COVID lab discussion.

Week 12

Scientific Viz and D3

scientific d3 javascript

Week 13

Dynamics and Interaction in D3

d3 javascript

Dynamics in D3

This week we talked about using D3 for transitions, interaction, and we started sketching out our final project.