Lecture 1.1 - Class Introduction
The syllabus for the course, along with discussions about "what" visualizations are, and how to orient yourself in the course.
This week, we went over the structure of the course, as well as some basics of why we visualize, who we visualize for, and how to think about our relationship with our data.
We will be using several Python packages that you need to install.
Lecture 1.1 - Class Introduction
The syllabus for the course, along with discussions about "what" visualizations are, and how to orient yourself in the course.
Lecture 1.2 - Why we Visualize
What are some of the basics of how we interpret visualizations? How can we describe the process of making choices, understanding our audience, and so forth?
Prep Notebook, Week 1 - (download)
Prep notebook for this week
In class week 1 notebook - (download)
Intro to python, plotting
GDP dataset from FRED
Three-color image of stitch
OPTIONAL - Installation Instructions
Install necessary packages for this class