IS590DV - Data Viz

This is the course website for IS590DV in Spring 2020

Week 14 - Volume rendering for scientific viz, Wrap up with Idyll, Publishing Viz

We talk a little bit about publishing, and scientific viz - in particular, volume rendering - and carry on with Idyll.

A fun video about rendering from Pixar is found here.


  1. We’ll be building toward a webpage like this today using Idyll’s built-in components.
  2. Last week, we got to this Markdown code right here and we’ll start from there this week.
  3. Full Markdown code for this week and next week available right here.
  4. We’ll also build a few histogram components like:

Where we got to in class this week:

Note: see week 12 for the scripts used to generate this dataset.

Optional reading list

  1. yt docs
  2. yt Volume Rendering Tutorial
  3. Idyll Docs
