Ticket to Ride Visualizer

You have until April 19th.

  • Continue your conceptualization of a game state visualizer, building on what we did in class.
    • Start with the prototype developed in class.
    • If necessary, “clean up” and present it in a clean, annotated fashion.
    • Describe (in words) what you had envisioned, and the various different shortcomings and advantages it has.
    • Describe what you would do differently next time.
  • “Instantiate” this prototype for at least two game states.
    • You can utilize the game states in class.
    • This can be a prototype as well, but should have the various items filled out as it would in a real game.
    • Use your “cleaned up” version.
  • Implement this as a working visualization, using one of our platforms.
    • If you are not able to fully realize your vision, describe what you tried, and how you approached the problem.
    • How responsive is your visualization? How much interactivity can you imagine for a static game state? (Any?)
    • What would you have liked to do that you did not?
    • Most importantly, how would this experience feed back into your prototyping phase?

If possible, deploy as a static site on Github. If not possible, provide source code in a Github repository.