Lecture 14.1 -- A few final things
Final reminders, extra credit options
Final class, congrats, you made it!
Lecture 14.1 -- A few final things
Final reminders, extra credit options
Lecture 14.2 -- Scientific Visualization (for Quiz and EC)
More about scientific visualization
Lecture 14.3 - WordClouds & networks (for Quiz and EC)
How to analyze text data, viz of networks, and where to go from here.
SciViz - In class notebook - (download)
Placeholder for in class coding for SciViz
Wordclouds/Network Viz - In class notebook - (download)
Placeholder for in class coding for Wordclouds and Network Viz
SciViz - Prep Notebook - (download)
Prep notebook for this week for SciViz
Wordclouds - Prep Notebook - (download)
Prep notebook for this week for SciViz
Networks - Prep Notebook - (download)
Prep notebook for this week for SciViz
Past Notebook: Examples from Spring 2019 - (download)
MRI scan of a brain
Galaxy Particle Simulation files (77Mb)
Downsampled output files from a particle simulation of a galaxy merger
Isolated Galaxy dataset (292 Mb)
A single snapshot in time of a grid simulation of an isolated galaxy
Full text from the play Othello from project Guthenburg
Several small nodes facebook data
One major node facebook data