Lecture 12.1 - 3D graphics, Intro to SciViz
How your computer and the internet process 3D graphics. What is scientific visualization?
We do a few more things with Streamlit and Jekyll.
We talk a little bit about 3D graphics and how it relates to Scientific Visualization, and carry on with Streamlit/Jekyll and add in some Altair in Python.
Also, here is a slightly more in-depth explanation of path/ray tracing:
Full corgi dataset available here.
Lecture 12.1 - 3D graphics, Intro to SciViz
How your computer and the internet process 3D graphics. What is scientific visualization?
In class Streamlit materials, Week 13
Updating storage of Streamlit files in class
Prep Streamlit materials, Week 13
Updating storage of Streamlit files in class
In class Jekyll materials, Week 13
Updating storage of Jekyll files in class
In class notebook
A dataset of USA "mobility" which (I think comes from a a large census study from 1989-2015) and is collected in several places including right here. Here "mobility" is refering to how easy it is for a person to move up in economic status (more info can be found here) based on factors like parental income, location, race, etc.
Illinois buildings dataset
This dataset is from the Cardigan Archives and scraped using Beautiful Soup in Python and further processed in Python into this form.