IS445(AOG) - Data Viz

This is the course website for IS445(AOG) in Fall 2020

Week 15 - Scientific Viz & AVL Guest lecture

We talked a little bit about publishing, networks, and scientific viz.


Data and Python Libs

  1. Download and unzip this set of files here (, 77M)
  2. Make note of where this unzips – this is where gets unpacked.

  3. We’ll also be using the Isolated Galaxy dataset (292 Mb) dataset for sci viz today
  4. We’ll also also be using this brain scan data (72Mb)

Optional reading list

  1. VAD Ch. 8.4-8.6: Arrange Spatial Data
  2. VAD Ch. 11.6: Manipulate View
  3. yt docs
  4. yt Volume Rendering Tutorial

Also, here is a slightly more in-depth explaination of path/ray tracing:


Materials from Previous Courses