IS445(AOG) - Data Viz

This is the course website for IS445(AOG) in Fall 2020

Week 10 - Viz Audience; More Iodide, Javascript & Vega-lite (and maybe Idyll)

Iodide Notebooks:

Feel free to check out Spring 2020’s notebook that uses police shooting data for visualization if you are interestedin other mappable datasets.

Info about dataset

We will use a dataset of USA “mobility” which (I think comes from a a large census study from 1989-2015) and is collected in several places including right here. Here “mobility” is refering to how easy it is for a person to move up in economic status (more info can be found here) based on factors like parental income, location, race, etc.

Installation instructions: Idyll

We’ll be using Idyll to do some web-dev and we need to install another package manager, npm, to install Idyll and other Idyll-related packages.

Please follow these installation instructions to install the necessary packages.

Optional reading list

  1. Same Data, Multiple Perspectives
  2. FDV, Ch. 29: Telling a story and making a point
  3. Iodide Docs
  4. vega-lite docs - in particular: Vega-lite transformations & Vega-lite selections
  5. Idyll Docs
