IS445(AOG) - Data Viz

This is the course website for IS445(AOG) in Fall 2020

Week 2 - Data Storage and Operations

This week we discussed how data is stored on disk and in memory, how that interacts with our visualization process, and we introduced the notion of a palette of operations you can apply to data to visualize it.

Downloads: Data


Optional Reading List (See syllabus for acronyms)

  1. VAD, Ch. 2: What: Data Abstraction
  2. FDV, Ch. 2: Visualizing data: Mapping data onto aesthetics
  3. VAD, Ch. 13: Reduce Items and Attributes
  4. FDV, Ch. 27: Understanding the most commonly used image file formats
  5. IS452’s intro to CSV files (bottom of page)
  6. IS452’s Intro to Dictionaries
  7. Pandas Docs & NumPy Docs


Materials from Previous Courses