How do we store and draw data?
When we draw something on a screen, how do we represent that internally, and how is that translated into pixels? How are values transformed from 0's and 1's into values we can manipulate and understand?
This week we discussed how data is stored on disk and in memory, how that interacts with our visualization process, and we introduced the notion of a palette of operations you can apply to data to visualize it.
How do we store and draw data?
When we draw something on a screen, how do we represent that internally, and how is that translated into pixels? How are values transformed from 0's and 1's into values we can manipulate and understand?
Data Manipulation and Distributions
What operations can we do on data, how can we represent and compute distributions, and how do we scale values in relation to each other?
Loading and Displaying Image Data - (download)
A little bit of loading image data, displaying that image data, and using matplotlib
First steps with Pandas - (download)
Loading the building inventory and filtering, mutating, splitting and plotting some of its data
Show relationships between two variables using the building inventory